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Initial Brief is warranted
July 29, 2015 – Initial Brief filed with the Florida Supreme Court claiming a new trial is warranted based on recent DNA testing, hidden eye witness testimony and other hidden evidences that are in favor of death row inmate Nelson Serrano and that demonstrate the existence of another man not the accused.
The Florida Supreme Court ruled that none of the evidences, although conclusive, did not merit a new trial.
See file Initial Brief in the Legal References section under Content.

Nelson Ivan Serrano
from Injustice to Freedom

Sign and share the petition to help Nelson Serrano access a fair trial in the USA
We already have more than 54,000 signatures!!! Our goal is to reach 100,000!!!

Ecuadorian Minister
of Justice and Ecuadorian Ambassador met with Governor Scott's legal counsel
Initial Brief filed with the Florida Supreme Court is warranted
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